Vantage X Education
Vantage X – Education
You may be wondering, “what is forex?” It’s time to get educated. Forex is the term for foreign exchange and it refers to the trading of currencies on an open market. The goal of a forex trader is to predict which direction a currency will move and make money off that movement. If you’re not sure about what you should expect from this post, check out our blog posts!
What is Pips?
One of the basic terms that a trader must understand for Forex trading is Pip. What is pip? The term that is used to...
Tips To Simplify Your Forex Trading
What is Forex? The answer is quite simple: A timely decision. Indecision is a major issue of modern life. It is also a...
Important Terms , Pips, Lots And Margin Defined
Forex traders don’t trade in single unit. Forex Trading is mostly done in “lots”. Obviously trade in lots can enable...
How to Buy And Sell Currencies in Forex Trading
A major concern of a new Forex trader is: “How can to make a profitable decision regarding buying or selling a...
Forex Trading And Its Dynamics
Forex Trading has several layers. It has become the greatest investment market because traders explore different ways...
What is Traded in Forex Market?
In Forex market, you can buy or sell currencies. However there is actually no physical trade going on. You do not buy...
Use of Currency Pairs in Forex Trading
In forex market, you buy or sell currency in pairs with the help of a broker. The forex market determines and sets the...
Habits of Profitable Traders in Forex Trading
Some people believe that Forex trading is all about profit and prosperity. It’s not true. Just like all other...
Different Trading Strategies to Trade Euro
Euro: In Forex market, all the currencies are being traded. However some currencies are traded more frequently. Euro...
What is Forex
What is Forex? The global financial market where you can trade currencies is called “Foreign exchange market”. It is...
Why Traders Miss Opportunities in Forex Trading
Reasons, impact and solutions: Timely decision making is a key factor to earn profit in Forex Trading. A single...
Algorithmic Trading and its advantages in trading
Algorithm Trading
Best Tips to Make Money in Forex Trading
Focus, discipline and practice are the main factors that are essential to earn heaps of profit in forex Trading....
forex market analysis importance in trading
Forex trading is all about analyzing the financial market. When a trader enters the forex trading, his attention is...
Useful Habits for new Traders to be successful
forex trading is like a cutthroat jungle for new traders. Sometimes the difficulties in trading forex make the skilled...